Following a successful Climate Ribbon event back in 2015 at the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly, featuring a 5-foot tall “Climate Ribbon Chalice” made from a discarded patio umbrella, in April 2018 the UU’s Ministry for Earth renovated the Chalice and invited members to create new ribbons.  They invited UU climate activists to use the Climate Ribbon to engage members of their congregations in climate justice ministry by creating an interactive community art installation that would stand throughout 2018 and beyond.

They recalled that the Climate Ribbon ritual at the 2015 assembly was particularly moving, with hundreds of participants weaving their ribbons into the chalice. Together, their ribbons created a collective testimony to Unitarian Universalists’ connection and commitment to climate justice, and were used in a worship service organized by the UU Young Adults for Climate Justice, as shown here:

Climate Ribbon Chalice -- Worship Service @ General Assembly 2015 (Portland)

We are so happy to hear that the UU has renovated their beautiful Chalice, into which they will continue to weave their heartfelt thoughts and emotions!